Spring 2023
ME 424
Mechanical Systems Design
An integrative design course addressing both creative and practical aspects of the design of systems. Development of the creative design process, including problem formulation and needs analysis, feasibility, legal, economic and human factors, aesthetics, safety, synthesis of alternatives, and design optimization. Application of design methods through several projects including a term design project.
Fall 2022
ME 421
Mechanical Design
A study of practical aspects of mechanical design including conceptualization, specifications, and selection of mechanical elements. The design and application of mechanical components such as gears, cams, bearings, springs, and shafts. Practice in application of process through design projects.
Fall 2022
ME 431
Heat & Mass Transfer
A rigorous development of the laws of mass and energy transport as applied to a continuum. Energy transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation. Free and forced convection across boundary layers. Application to heat exchangers.
Fall 2022
ECON 255
Shakespeare & Financial Markets
Course discusses how lessons from Shakespeare's plays can provide insight into human behavior in today's financial markets. Plays will include Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, and others. Lessons about policy errors, cultural and political dislocation, regime changes, demographic conflicts etc. in current financial and macroeconomic environments. Discussion will include human biases in decision-making, and how these transcend cultural and historic boundaries. An important component of this class is understanding how to integrate themes from classical literature to better understand current socioeconomic trends.
Fall 2022
I&E499 -- Capstone
Opportunity Discovery
Click here for I&E Capstone Course Reflection COMING SOON
In this course, students bring together interdisciplinary insights from their work throughout the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Certificate program to shed light on innovation and entrepreneurship and the roles they play in addressing the world's most pressing problems. The class will incorporate rich discussion, selected readings, and guest speakers addressing topics in innovation and entrepreneurship. Students will focus on applying what they have learned through the certificate curriculum to develop an innovation and entrepreneurship capstone project.
Spring 2022
ME 344
Control of Dynamic Systems
Model dynamic systems, characterize time and frequency domain response with respect to particular inputs. Characterize systems in terms of rise-time, settling-time, bandwidth. Identify the difference between stable and unstable system. Apply feedback control to modify response of dynamic systems. Develop methods of designing compensators for single-input, single-output, and multiple-input, multiple-output dynamic systems. Introduces optimal control theory, the linear quadratic regulator problem, the linear quadratic Gaussian problem. Gain a physical understanding of role of feedback control in modifying the dynamics of a system.
Spring 2022
ME 336
Fluid Mechanics
An introductory course emphasizing the application of the principles of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy in a fluid system. Physical properties of fluids, dimensional analysis and similitude, viscous effects and integral boundary layer theory, subsonic and supersonic flows, normal shockwaves.
Fall 2021
ME 321
Mechanical Engineering Analysis for Design
Calculation of 3D stresses, strains, and deflections encountered in mechanical designs. Types of problems include: curved beams, contact stresses, press/shrink fits, etc. Reliability and uncertainty analysis, failure theories, fatigue, and fracture mechanics. Computational methods of analysis, such as finite elements analysis are covered.
Fall 2021
BIO 202
Genetics and Evolution
Introduction to principles transmission genetics and evolution. Includes Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance, quantitative genetics, genetic mapping, evidence for evolution, natural selection, genetic drift, kin selection, speciation, molecular evolution, phylogenetic analysis. Relevance to human family and social structure, evolution of infectious disease, human hereditary disorders, social implications of genetic knowledge.
Fall 2021
ME 331
The principal laws of thermodynamics for open and closed systems and their application in engineering. Properties of the pure substance, relationships among properties, mixtures and reactions. Power and refrigeration cycle analysis.
Notable Experience:
- Rankine Cycle
- Otto Cycle
Spring 2021
ME 221
Materials Science
Introduction to materials science and engineering, emphasizing the relationships between the structure of a solid and its properties. Atomic and molecular origins of electrical, mechanical, and chemical behavior are treated in some detail for metals, alloys, polymers, ceramics, glasses, and composite materials.
Spring 2021
EGR 244
Principles of dynamics of particles, rigid bodies, and selected nonrigid systems with emphasis on engineering applications. Kinematic and kinetic analysis of structural and machine elements in a plane and in space using graphical, computer, and analytical vector techniques. Absolute and relative motion analysis. Work-energy; impact and impulse-momentum.
Spring 2021
EGR 224
Introduction to mechatronics with a special emphasis on electrical components, sensing, and information processing. Topics include circuit analysis and design, system response characterization, conversion between digital and analog signals, data acquisition, sensors, and motors. Laboratory projects focus on analysis, characterization, and design of electrical and mechatronic systems.
Spring 2021
CS 216
Everything Data
Study of data and its acquisition, integration, querying, analysis, and visualization. Concepts and computational tools for working with unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data and databases. Interdisciplinary perspectives of data and its impact crossing science, humanities, policy, and social science. Culminating team project applied to real datasets.
FALL 2020
Click here for I&E Keystone Course Reflection
Course covers component elements of developing skills needed to launch a venture. Starting at the point of need identification, course covers lean methodology; innovation and entrepreneurship strategy; creating needed financing and resource structures; effectively marketing/communicating innovation and its associated benefits; leading, managing, and working effectively within teams; creating a positive and ethical work culture; and evaluating success.
Fall 2020
EGR 201
Mechanics of Solids
Analysis of force systems and their equilibria as applied to engineering systems. Stresses and strains in deformable bodies; mechanical behavior of materials; applications of principles to static problems of beams, torsion members, and columns.
FALL 2020
CS 201
Data Structures and Algorithms
Analysis, use, and design of data structures and algorithms using an object-oriented language like Java to solve computational problems. Emphasis on abstraction including interfaces and abstract data types for lists, trees, sets, tables/maps, and graphs. Implementation and evaluation of programming techniques including recursion. Intuitive and rigorous analysis of algorithms.
Summer 2020
I&E 271Â
Building and Sustaining a Successful Enterprise
Click here for I&E Elective Course Reflection
In this Remote Duke in Silicon Valley course, students develop an understanding of the resources, skills, and planning required to launch a new product or service. Through lectures, case studies, and visiting talks, the course addresses critical factors such as: ideation, competition and competitive advantage, financing requirements, corporate culture, product positioning, customer identification, and market segmentation.
Spring 2020
EGR 121
Click here for I&E Gateway Course Reflection
Introduces first years to the process of team-based creative conceptualization, visualization prototyping, and product realization. Students use computer-aided design tools to create custom circuit boards and computer numerically controlled (CNC) machined components to produce prototype systems. Design concepts are introduced and supported through hands-on assignments.
Notable Projects:
- McDonalds Happy Meal Toy
- Spring Fling
Fall 2019
EGR 103
Computational Methods in engineering
Introduction to computer methods and algorithms for analysis and solution of engineering problems using numerical methods in a workstation environment. Topics include; numerical integration, roots of equations, simultaneous equation solving, finite difference methods, matrix analysis, linear programming, dynamic programming, and heuristic solutions used in engineering practice.
Fall 2019
EGR 101
ENGINEERING Designs and Communication
Students work in a team to learn and apply the engineering design process to solve an open-ended, client-based problem drawn from a community partner. In this class, students learn to apply the engineering design process to meet the needs of a client, iteratively prototype using tools and materials appropriate to the solution, work collaboratively on a team, and communicate the critical steps in the design process in written, oral, and visual formats.
Notable Project:
​Temperature-Controlled Prosthetic Skin for Medical Manikins